Scripps sees sun approximately 280 days out of the year. Temperatures in Claremont average 63 degrees Fahrenheit, with an average high of 77 and low of 50. Several facilities are shared by the members of the Claremont Consortium including Honnold/Mudd Library, the Keck Science Center, and the Robert J. Scripps also harvests olives from its olive trees and presses it into award-winning olive oil. Oranges, grapefruits, pomegranates, kumquats, and loquats are available to students. The campus also offers a number of interactive landscaping elements, including a rose garden to the north designated for community cutting and fruit trees available for picking. The overall planting schemes and landscaping devised by Edward Huntsman-Trout are still followed. In general, his 1926 campus plan has been carefully preserved, with major vistas linking the central areas.

The original campus was designed by Gordon Kaufmann in the Spanish Colonial Revival Style architecture. Scripps is located in the center of the Claremont Colleges, surrounded by Harvey Mudd College to the north, Pitzer College to the east, Claremont McKenna College and Pomona College to the south, and Claremont Graduate University to the west. News & World Report, The Huffington Post, and others. In its 2017 edition of The Best 379 Colleges, the Princeton Review cited the campus as the twelfth most beautiful in the United States, and has been corroborated by Forbes, U.S. Scripps College is frequently described as one of America's most beautiful college campuses and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Vido de la arb-plena Balch Hall-korto en Scripps College

La moto de la kolegio estas "Incipit Vita Nova" ("Ĉi tie Begins New Life") de New Life de Danto. La eksperimento de Scripps "en eduko" postulis scenaro kun arta ligo inter konstruaĵoj kaj ĝardenpejzaĝo sur intima skalo. Laŭ Scripps, "la plej grava devontigo de kolegio devas evoluigi en siaj studentoj la kapablon pensi klare kaj sendepende, kaj la kapablon vivi memcerte, kuraĝe, kaj espereble".īaldaŭ post ĝia fondo, en 1927 la unua dormejo estis dediĉita en memoro pri kuratoro Eleanor Joy Toll.Įn la aĝo de 89, Scripps fondis la kolegion kiel unu el la institucioj en la Okcidento dediĉita al edukado de virinoj por kaj profesiaj karieroj kaj persona kresko. Scripps College estis fondita en 1926 fare de Ellen Browning Scripps, filantropo kaj elstarfiguro en la mondoj de eduko, eldonado kaj la rajtoj de virinoj.